Home House Blend News Sherry Pruitt & Delgados, McGrath Project Rock ‘House Blend’ on SCVTV

Sherry Pruitt & Delgados, McGrath Project Rock ‘House Blend’ on SCVTV

Back row: Bob and Steve Delgado and David “B” Kelley. Front row: Joey Delgado, Sherry Pruitt and Stephen K. Peeples. Photo: Peter B. Sherman.

The WAVE-nominated “House Blend” on SCVTV hosted by Stephen K. Peeples presents the premiere broadcast featuring SCV Blues Society stars Sherry Pruitt and The Delgado Brothers and popular local contemporary classic-rock band The McGrath Project on Saturday, April 7, at 10 p.m. PT.

In the opening segment of the half-hour show, Blues belter Pruitt and the tight-knit Delgados (Joey, guitar, Bob, bass; Steve, drums; with David “B” Kelley on keys) perform “It’s Amazing” and “I Need a Man” from the band’s just-released “Sherry Pruitt Blues Project” CD.

Between tunes, Sherry and the brothers also chatted with Peeples for a few minutes about their respective careers, and joining forces for the new album.

In the second half of the program, Grammy-winning producer Gary McGrath (guitar, vocals), Ann-Marita (vocals, guitar), Moses Sparks (bass), Phil “Mr. Squeeze” Parlapiano (keyboards) and Lynn Coulter (drums, percussion) perform “Casey’s Last Stand” and “It’s Alright” from the band’s “Boom!” album, due out in May.

McGrath and the bandmembers also chatted with Peeples for a few minutes between songs about recording the new album last fall and the challenges they’ve faced finally getting it released.

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Pictured: Phil Parlapiano, Gary McGrath, Lynn Coulter, Ann-Marita, Stephen K. Peeples and Moses Sparks. Photo: Mike Dowler.

“House Blend” is co-produced at the SCVTV Media Center in Newhall, Calif., by Peeples and SCVTV’s Megan Mann-Perez, who also directs with SCVTV’s Austin Dave. Veteran concert/film/TV sound designer and SCVTV VP/engineer Michael R. Mazzetti produces the sound. SCVTV CEO Leon Worden is the executive producer.

“House Blend,” which premiered on SCVTV in September 2010, airs Saturdays and Thursdays at 10 p.m. Pacific Time on SCVTV. It is seen on Time Warner Cable Channel 20 in the Santa Clarita Valley, and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The program also streams live at the same times everywhere via the Web at www.scvtv.com.

All “House Blend” shows — more than 30 original editions with music and interviews and a dozen all-music best-of compilations — are also archived and available on demand at www.scvtv.com/html/houseblend-current.html and www.scvhouseblend.com.

A series highlight is the May 2011 program featuring folk-country-bluegrass legends Chris Hillman and Herb Pedersen, which was one of three finalists for a WAVE award from the Alliance for Community Media. Read more here.

For booking, sponsorship and other information about “House Blend,” email [email protected].

Stephen K. Peeples is a news and features writer/reporter for KHTS News (www.hometownstation.com) and SCVNews.com,and entertainment blogger with Peeples Place at KHTS (www.peeplesplace.com). He is also host, writer and co-producer of the weekly “House Blend” music and interview show on SCVTV (www.scvhouseblend.com). A former Santa Clarita Valley music and entertainment columnist (The Signal, 2004-2011), and drummer with SCV jazz group RainTree (www.raintreejazz.com, 2010-2011), he is a Grammy-nominated record producer (“Monterey International Pop Festival,” MIPF/Rhino, 1992), an award-winning radio producer (“The Lost Lennon Tapes,” Westwood One, 1988-1990) and an award-winning online editor (The Signal website, 2007-2011). For more information, email [email protected] or visit www.stephenkpeeples.com.