‘El Twanguero’ Diego Garcia Q&A with Stephen K. Peeples


Double Latin Grammy-winning guitarist/vocalist/composer “El Twanguero” (Diego Garcia) spoke about his latest album, “Carreteras Secundarias Vol. II” (“Backroads Vol. II”) with Grammy-nominated producer and music journalist Stephen K. Peeples in a Zoom call on April 14, 2022.


Born in Spain and dubbed the “King of Spanish Twang” by Guitar Player magazine, El Twanguero is known worldwide for his rich blend of multiple music genres from traditional Spanish/European sounds to North American rock and country, and his expertise in both acoustic and electric guitars, developed along his adventurous journeys through Europe, South America, Chicago, Nashville, Austin, and California, where he is based now.

Garcia composed the album’s nine songs in the jungle on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica during the pandemic in 2020-2021, inspired by the natural sounds and wildlife surrounding him. He recorded the songs on acoustic guitar in Santa Teresa and Puerto Vieja, Costa Rica, in April and May that year.

In the interview, Garcia talks about the new album, recounts his “musical anthropology” traveling from Europe to the Americas and back over the last couple of decades, and what he learned along the way, including his singular fingerpicking technique and “twang” sound.

He also previews his return to Spain and Portugal for “Tour Ibérico” in May 2022.

Find out more about “El Twanguero” (and purchase concert tickets) here.

Stephen K. Peeples is a Grammy-nominated multi-media writer-producer and award-winning radio/record-industry veteran raised in Miami and Los Angeles by career newspaper journalists and music lovers. See the “About” page on his website. More original stories and exclusive interviews are posted there and on his YouTube channel.

Article: ‘El Twanguero’ Diego Garcia Q&A with Stephen K. Peeples
Category: News and Reviews
Author: Stephen K. Peeples
Article Source: stephenkpeeples.com